13MCA456 Mobile Applications syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Foundation 6 hours

Mobile devices vs. desktop devices; ARM and intel architectures, Power Management, Screenresolution, Touch interfaces, Application deployment (App Store, Google Play, WindowsStore); Native vs. web applications

Unit-2 Frameworks and Tools 10 hours

Development Environments (XCode, Eclipse, VS2012, PhoneGAP, etc.); Development Tools(HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery); Mobile-specific enhancements (Browser-detection, Touchinterfaces, Geolocation, Screen orientation); Mobile browser “interpretations”(Chrome/Safari/Gecko/IE)

Unit-3 Mobile OS Architectures 8 hours

Mobile OS Architectures (Android, iOS, Windows); Mobile OS (Darwin, Linux, Windows);Runtime Environments (Objective-C, Dalvik, winRT), Mobile Agents and Peer-to-PeerArchitecture

Unit-4 Performance Management 6 hours

Memory Management, Power Management, Security, Synchronization and Replication ofMobile Data, Getting the Model right, Storing and Retrieving Data

Unit-5 Developing an Application 8 hours

Building a simple “Hello World” App (Android, iOS, Windows); App-structure, built-inControls, file access, basic graphics; Building useful apps; Database, Network, File access;Packaging and Deployment

Unit-6 System-level Apps 6 hours

Native programming (Android), Low-level programming (iOS), Low-level APIs (Windows).

Unit-7 Advanced Topics:Power Management,Augmented Reality,Mobile Device Security 8 hours

Wake locks and assertions, Low-level OS support, Writing power-smart applications, GPS ,Accelerometer, Camera, Mobile malware, Device protections, Rooting (Android), Jailbreaking(iOS), Defenestration (Windows)

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023