13MCA48 Mini Project-I syllabus for MCA

Part A
Unit-1 0 hours

1. Write a perl program to insert name and age information entered by the user into a tablecreated using MySQL and to display the current contents of this table.

2. Create XHTML form with Name, address line1, address line2 and email text fields. Onsubmitting, store the values in MySQL table. Retrieve and display the data based onname.

3. Write a PHP program to read student data from an XML file and store into the MySQLdatabase. Retrieve and display using SEARCH function.

4. Build a Rails application to accept book information viz. accession number, title, authors,edition and publisher from a web page and store the information in a database and tosearch for a book with the title specified by the user and to display the search results withproper headings.

Part B
Unit-2 0 hours

Develop a web application project using the languages and concepts learnt in thetheory and exercises listed in part A with a good look and feel effects. You can useany web technologies and frameworks and databases.

1. In the examination each student picks one question from part A.

2. A team of two or three students must develop the mini project. However during the examination, each student must demonstrate the project individually.

3. The team must submit a brief project report (25-30 pages) that must include the following
a. Introduction
b. Requirement Analysis
c. Software Requirement Specification
d. Analysis and Design
e. Implementation
f. Testing

4. The report must be evaluated for 10 Marks. Demonstration and Viva for 20 Marks.

1. In the examination, one exercise from part A is to be asked for 20 marks.
2. Mini project student group size is limited to two students only.
3. The mini project under part B has to be evaluated for 30 marks.
4. Project report duly signed by the Guide and HOD need to be submitted duringexamination.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023