13MCA53 Programming using C#.& .NET syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Getting started with .NET Framework 4.0 4 hours

Benefits of .NET Framework, Architecture of .NET Framework 4.0, Components of.NET Framework 4.0: CLR, CTS, Metadata and Assemblies, .NET Framework ClassLibrary, Windows Forms, ASP .NET and ASP .NET AJAX, ADO .NET, Windowsworkflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows CommunicationFoundation, Widows Card Space and LINQ.

Unit-2 Introducing C# 6 hours

Need of C#, C# Pre-processor Directives, Creating a Simple C# Console Application,Identifiers and Keywords. Data Types, Variables and Constants: Value Types, ReferenceTypes, Type Conversions, Boxing and Undoing, Var i abl es and Cons t ant s .Expression and Operator s : Operator Precedence, Using the ?? (Null Coalescing) Operator,Using the :: (Scope Resolution) Operator and Using the is and as Operators. Control Flowstatements: Selection Statements, Iteration Statements and Jump Statements.

Unit-3 Namespaces, Classes, Objects and Structures 6 hours

Namespaces, The System namespace, Classes and Objects: Creating a Class, Creating anObject, Using this Keyword, Creating an Array of Objects, Using the Nested Classes,Defining Partial Classes and Method, Returning a Value from a Method and DescribingAccess Modifiers. Static Classes and Static Class Members. Properties: Read-only Property,Static Property, Accessibility of accessors and Anonymous types. Indexers, Structs: Syntaxof a struct and Access Modifiers for structs.

Unit-4 Object- Oriented Programming 5 hours

Encapsulation: Encapsulation using accessors and mutators, Encapsulation usingProperties. Inheritance: Inheritance and Cons t ructor s , Seal ed Cl a s s es and Seal edMe thods , Ext ens ion methods. Polymorphism: Compile time Polymorphism/Overloading, Runtime Polymorphism/ Overriding. Abstraction: Abstract classes, Abstractmethods. Interfaces: Syntax of Interfaces, Implementation of Interfaces and Inheritance.

Unit-5 Delegates and Events and Exception Handling 5 hours

Delegates: Creating and using Delegates, Muticasting with Delegates. Events: EventSources, Event Handlers, Events and Delegates, Multiple Event Handlers. ExceptionHandling: The try/catch/finally statement, Checked and Unchecked Statements.

Unit-6 Graphical User Interface with Windows Forms 6 hours

Introduction, Windows Forms, Event Handling: A Simple Event- Driven GUI, VisualStudio Generated GUI Code, Delegates and Event- Handling Mechanism, Another Way toCreate Event Handlers, Locating Event Information. Control Properties and Layout, Labels,TextBoxes and Buttons, GroupBoxes and Panels, CheckBoxes and RadioButtons,ToolTips, Mouse-Event Handling, Keyboard-Event Handling. Menus, MonthhCalendorControl, Date TimePicker Control, LinkLabel Control, ListBox Control, CheckedListBoxControl, ComboBox Control, TreeView Control, ListView Control, TabControl Controland Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows.

Unit-7 Data Access with ADO.NET 8 hours

Understanding ADO.NET: Describing the Architecture of ADO.NET, ADO>NET,ADO.NET Entity Framework. Creating Connection Strings: Syntax for Connection Strings.Creating a Connection to a Database: SQL Server Database, OLEDB Database, ODBCData Source. Creating a Command Object. Working with DataAdapters: Creating DataSetfrom DataAdapter, Paging with DatyaAdapters, Updating with DataAdapters, AddingMultiple Tables to a DataSet, Creating Data View. Using DataReader to Work withDatabases.

Unit-8 Web App Development with ASP.NET 8 hours

Introduction, Web Basics, Multitier Application Architecture, Your First WebApplication: Building WebTime Application, Examining WEebTime.aspx’s Code-BehindFile, Standard Web Controls: Designing a Form, Validation Controls, Session Tracking:Cookies, Session Tracking with http Session State, Optaions.aspx:Selecting a Programming Language, ecommenations.aspx:Displaying Recommendations based on Session Values.Case study: Database-Driven ASP.NET Guestbook, Building a Web Form that DisplaysData from a Database, Modifying the Code-Behind File for the Guestbook Application,ASP.NET AJAX: Traditional Web Applications, Ajax Web Applications, Testing anASP.NET Ajax application, the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit. Case study:Password-Protected Books Database Application

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023