Introduction to MIS
MIS: Concept, Definition, Role of the Management Information System, Impact of the Management Information System, MIS and User, Management as Control System, A support to the Management, Management effectiveness and Organization Effectiveness.
Strategic Management of Business Performance:
The Concept of Corporate Planning, Essentiality of Strategic Planning, Development of the Business Strategies, Types of Strategies,Tools of Planning, Balance Score Card, Score card and Dash Board.
Decision-Making Concepts, Decision-Making Process, Decision Analysis by Analytical Modeling, Behavioural Concepts in Decision-Making, Organizational Decision- Making, MIS and Decision-Modeling. (Case study)
Information, Knowledge, Business Intelligence:
Information Concepts, Information: A Quality Product, Classification of the Information, Methods of Data and Information Collection, Value of the information, Business intelligence.
Technology of Information Systems:
Introduction, Data Processing, Transaction Processing, Application Processing, Information System Processing, OLAP(on-line analytical Processing) for Analytical Information, TQM(Total Quality Management) of Information System. Human Factors and User Interface, Evaluation and feasibility of IT Solutions.
E-Business Technology:
Introduction to E-Business, Models of E-Business:Business to Business(B2B),Business to Customer(B2C), Customer to Business(C2B), Customer to Customer (C2C), Internet and World Wide Web(WWW), Internet/Extranet, Security in E-Business, Electronic Payment Systems, Impact of Web on Strategic Management. Enterprise: Content Management System(CMS).
E-commerce :
Introduction to E-Commerce Technologies: Client-side programming: Important factors in client side, Web page design and production, Overview of HTML, Basic text formatting, Links, Images , Tables, Frames, form server side programming-I: Servlet fundamentals, Server-side Programming II: Database connectivity: Relational database systems, JDBC perspectives and JDBC program example. Business-oriented e-commerce: Feature of B2B e-Commerce, Business models, Integration E-services: Categories of e-services, Web-enabled services, Matchmaking services.