17MCA354 Cyber Security syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to Cybercrime and Laws 8 hours

Introduction to Cybercrime and Laws

Introduction, Cybercrime: Definition and Origins of the word, Cybercrime andinformation Security, Who are Cybercriminals? Classifications of Cybercrimes.How Criminals Plan Them – Introduction, How Criminals Plan the Attacks, Cybercafeand Cybercrimes, Botnets, Attack Vector, The Indian IT ACT 2000.

Module-2 Tools and Methods used in Cybercrime 8 hours

Tools and Methods used in Cybercrime

Introduction, Proxy Server and Anonymizers, Password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spyware,Virus and Warms, Trojan and backdoors, Steganography, DOS and DDOS attack, SQLinjection, Buffer Overflow.

Module-3 Phishing and Identity Theft 8 hours

Phishing and Identity Theft

Introduction, Phishing – Methods of Phishing, Phishing Techniques, Phishing Toolkits andSpy Phishing. Identity Theft – PII, Types of Identity Theft, Techniques of ID Theft. DigitalForensics Science, Need for Computer Cyberforensics and Digital Evidence, DigitalForensics Life Cycle.

Module-4 Phishing and Identity Theft 8 hours

Unix Command Lines, Backtrack Linux, Mac Ports, Cygwin, Windows Power Shell, NetCatCommands, NetCat Uses, SSH, Data Pipe, Fpipe

Module-5 Network Defense tools 8 hours

Network Defense tools

Firewalls and Packet Filters: Firewall Basics, Packet Filter Vs Firewall, How a Firewall Protects a Network, Packet Characteristic to Filter, Stateless VsStateful Firewalls, NetworkAddress Translation (NAT) and Port Forwarding, the basic of Virtual Private Networks,Linux Firewall, Windows Firewall, Snort: Introduction Detection System.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023