Program Statements
1.Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement a dynamic HTML using Servlet (user name and Password should be accepted using HTML and displayed using a Servlet).
2.Write a JAVA Servlet Program to Auto Web Page Refresh (Consider a webpage which is displaying Date and time or stock market status. For all such type of pages, you would need to refresh your web page regularly; Java Servlet makes this job easy by providing refresh automatically after a given interval).
3.Write a JAVA Servlet Program to implement and demonstrate GET and POST methods (Using HTTP Servlet Class).
4.Write a JAVA Servlet Program using cookies to remember user preferences.
5.Write a JAVA Servlet program to track HttpSession by accepting user name and password using HTML and display the profile page on successful login.
6.Write a JSP Program which uses jsp:include and jsp:forward action to display a Webpage.
7.Write a JSP Program which uses tag to run a applet
8.Write a JSP Program to get student information through a HTML and create a JAVA Bean class, populate Bean and display the same informationthrough another JSP
9.Write a JSP program to implement all the attributes of page directive tag.
10.Write a JAVA Program to insert data into Student DATA BASE and retrieve info based on particular queries (For example update, delete, search etc…).
11.An EJB application that demonstrates Session Bean (with appropriate business logic).
12.An EJB application that demonstrates MDB (with appropriate business logic).
13.An EJB application that demonstrates persistence (with appropriate business logic).
Note 1: InthepracticalExaminationstudent has to executeoneprogramfroma lot of all the 13 questions.
Note 2: Change of program is not permitted in the Practical Examination.