17MCA57 .Net Laboratory syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Laboratory Experiments 42 hours


1.Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Command line arguments processing for the following.

a) To find the square root of a given number.

b) To find the sum & average of three numbers.


2.Write a Program in C# to demonstrate the following

a) Boxing and Unboxing

b) Invalid Unboxing.


3. Write a program in C# to add Two complex numbers using Operator overloading .


4. Write a Program in C# to find the sum of each row of given jagged array of 3 inner arrays.


5. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Array Out of Bound Exception using Try, Catch and Finally blocks.


6.Write a Program to Demonstrate Use of Virtual and override key words in C# with a simple program.


7. Write a Program in C# to create and implement a Delegate for any two arithmetic operations


8. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate abstract class and abstract methods in C#.


9. Write a program to Set & Get the Name & Age of a person using Properties of C# to illustrate the use of different properties in C#.


10. Write a Program in C# Demonstrate arrays of interface types (for runtime polymorphism).



I. Consider the Database db_EMS (Employee Management System) consisting of the following tables :

tbl_Designations (IdDesignation: int, Designation: string

) tbl_EmployeeDetails(IdEmployee: int, EmployeeName: string, ContactNumber: string, IdDesignation: int, IdReportingTo: int)

Develop a suitable window application using C#.NET having following options.

1. Enter new Employee details with designation & Reporting Manager.

2. Display all the Project Leaders (In a Grid) reporting to selected Project Managers (In a Combo box).

3. Display all the Engineers (In a Grid) reporting to selected Project Leader (In a Combo box).

4. Display all the Employees (In a Grid) with their reporting Manager (No Value for PM).


NOTE: tbl_Designation is a static table containing the following Rows in it.

1 Project Manager

2 Project Leader

3 Engineer


II. Consider the Database db_LSA (Lecturer Subject Allocation) consisting of the following tables:

tbl_Subjects(IdSubject: int, SubjectCode: string, SubjectName: string)

tbl_Lecturers(IdLecturer: int, LecturerName: string, ContactNumber: string)

tbl_LecturerSubjects(IdSubject: int, SubjectCode: string, IdLecturer: int)


Develop a suitable window application using C#.NET having following options.

1. Enter new Subject Details.

2. Enter New Lecturer Details.

3. Subject Allocation with Lecturer Name in a Combo box and subjects to be allocated in Grid with checkbox Column.

4. Display all the subjects allocated (In a Grid) to the selected Lecturer (In a Combo Box).


III. Consider the database db_VSS (Vehicle Service Station) consisting of the following tables:

tbl_VehicleTypes(IdVehicleType: int, VehicleType: string, ServiceCharge: int)

tbl_ServiceDetails(IdService: int, VehicleNumber: string, ServiceDetails: string, IdVehicleType: int)


Develop a suitable window application using C#.NET having following options.

1. Enter new Service Details for the Selected Vehicle Type (In a Combo Box).

2. Update the Existing Service Charges to Database.

3. Total Service Charges Collected for the Selected Vehicle (In a Combo box) with total amount displayed in a text box.

NOTE: tbl_VehicleType is a static table containing the following Rows in it.

1 Two Wheeler     500

2 Four Wheeler    1000

3 Three Wheeler    700


IV. Develop a web application using C#.NET and ASP.NET for the Postal System Management. The master page should contain the hyper links for adding Area Details, Postman details, Letter distributions and View Letters.

Consider the database db_PSM (Postal System Management) consisting of the following tables:

tbl_AreaDetails(IdArea: int, AreaName: string)

tbl_PostmanDetails(IdPostman: int, PostmanName: string, ContactNumber: string, IdArea: int)

tbl_AreaLetters(IdLetter: int, LetterAddress: string, IdArea: int)

Develop the suitable content pages for the above created 4 hyper links with the following details:

1. Enter New Area Details

2. Enter New Postman Details with the Area he/she is in-charge of (display Area in a Combo box)

3. Enter all the Letters distributed to the selected Area (display Area in a Combo box)

4. Display all the Letter addresses (In a Grid) to be distributed by the selected Postman (In a Combo box)


V. Develop a web application using C#.NET and ASP.NET for the Complaint Management System. The master page should contain the hyper links for Add Engineer, Complaint Registration, Complaint Allocation View Complaints.

Consider the database db_CMS (Complaint Management System) consisting of the following tables:

tbl_Departments(IdDepartment: int, DepartmentName: string)

tbl_Engineers(IdEngineer: int, EngineerName: string, ContactNumber: string, IdDepartment: int)

tbl_RegisteredComplaints(IdComplaint: int, ComplaintDescription: string)

tbl_DepartmentComplaints(IdDepartment: int, IdComplaint: int)


Develop the suitable content pages for the above created 4 hyper links with the following details:

1. Enter New Engineers belonging to the selected department (displayed in a combo box)

2. Register a new Complaint with a submit button.

3. View all registered complaints & allocate to the corresponding department (displayed in a combo box)

4. Display all the Complaints (In a Grid) to be handled by the selected Engineer (In a Combo box)

NOTE: Consider the table tbl_Departments as a static table containing some pre-entered departments, which are displayed in all the remaining modules.


Note 1: In the practical Examination each student has to pick one question fromPart A and Part B each.

Note 2: Change of program is not permitted in the Practical Examination.



1. Students are required to execute one question from Part A and one from Part B.

2. Part A has to be evaluated for 50 marks and Part B has to be evaluated for 30 marks.


Course Outcomes :

At the end of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Understand C# and client-server concepts using .Net Frame Work Components

CO2: Apply delegates, event and exception handling to incorporate with ASP, Win Form, ADO.NET

CO3: Analyze the use of .Net Components depending on the problem statement

CO4: Implement & develop a web based and Console based application with Database connectivity

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023