Application of geology in Mining Engineering
Application of geology in Mining Engineering: Classification of Geology- Pure & Applied Geology, Mining Geology, Delineation of deposits, Limits of Economic Mining, Role of Mine Geologist, Geological Work in Operating Mine
Economic Geology & Mineral Deposits
Economic Geology:
Definitions, Scope of economic geology, classification of mineral deposits – ore mineral, gangue minerals and tenor of ores.
Mineral Deposits:
Study of Various processes of formation of mineral deposits- Magmatic, Hydrothermal, Weathering, Sedimentation, Sublimation, Evaporation, Oxidation and Supergene enrichment and Metamorphic deposits.
Occurrence & Distribution of Minerals in India
Occurrence & Distribution of Minerals in India:
Iron, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Chromite, Gold, Manganese, Beach sand, Diamond, Radio-active minerals- Uranium, Radium, Rubidium, Stroncium, Refractory minerals, Ceramic minerals and Building stones.
Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas
Definitions, physical and chemical properties, variations and ranks of coal. Important constituents of coal, origin of coal, structural features of coal seams, Chief characteristics of Indian coals. Important coal fields of India.
Petroleum & Natural gas:
Meaning, Origin, Composition, Accumulation, Structural features, Migration of petroleum and natural gas, Major oil fields of India
Exploration Geology& Mining Geology
Exploration Geology:
Definition, Principles of mineral exploration, stages of mineral Exploration.Prospecting: definition, typesGeological, Geophysical and geo-chemical methods. Remote sensing techniques for prospecting. Factors involved in planning and drilling in detail exploration. Core drilling and core recovery.
Mining Geology:
Methods of sampling, assaying and estimation of ore reserves. Guides for location of ore deposits with particular reference to structural and stratigraphic guides. Geological field work, Methods of surface, sub-surface mapping, Interpretation and use of field data.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. “Mining Geology “, Module-I & II, Mckinistry, , Asia Publication. 2nd Ed. 2005
. 2. “Economic Mineral Deposits,” Module-III, IV &V, Bateman A.M John Wiley and sons, 2nd Ed. 1999.
3. A Text Book of Geology:- P.K.Mukharjee
4. Engineering and General Geology:- Parbin Singh
1. “Ore Deposits of India”, Gokhale&Rao T.C., Thompson press. India, Faridabad.1999.
2. “Courses in Mining Geology”, Arogyaswamy, Oxford & IBH Pvt. Ltd.3rd Ed. 1999.
3. “A Handbook of Economic Geology”, A.K.Sen & P.K.Guha, Modern Publishers, Calcutta, 1981.
4. “Geological Prospecting & Exploration” by V.M.Kreiter, MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1968.
5. “Geology of India & Burma” by M.S.Krishna.
6. “India’s Mineral Resources” by S. Krishnaswamy.
7. “Petroleum Geology” by Levorson.