15ML35 Human Anatomy and Physiology syllabus for ML

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction: Homeostasis, Tissue, Cartilage 10 hours

Introduction: Homeostasis, Tissue, Cartilage:
The internal environmentand homeostasis, survival needs of the body, movement of substanceswithin the body, body fluids, action potential, propagation of actionpotential, cell-structure and functions. Epithelial tissue- simple epithelium,stratified epithelium, connective tissue- cells of connective tissue, looseconnective tissue, Adipose tissue, Dense connective tissue, Lymphoidtissue, Cartilage- Hyaline cartilage, Fibrocartilage, Elastic cartilage.

Module-2 Nervous System 10 hours

Nervous System:
Functional Components of nervous system, Neurons:Properties of neurons, Cell bodies, Axon and Dendrites, Types of nerves,Synapse and neurotransmitters, neuromuscular junction. Central nervoussystem: Meninges, ventricles of the brain and CSF. Brain: Cerebrum,functions of cerebrum, functional areas of the cerebrum, Brainstem,Cerebellum, Spinal cord- grey matter, white matter, spinal reflex, Spinalnerves (in brief list & functions), Cranial nerves (in brief list & functions),Autonomic nervous system (in brief)- functions and effects. Pituitary glandand hypothalamus.

Module-3 Cardiovascular System 10 hours

Cardiovascular System:
Introduction, Blood vessels- Arteries andArterioles, Veins and Venules, capillaries, control of blood vessel diameter,blood supply- internal respiration, cell nutrition. Heart- position, structurepericardium,myocardium, endocardium, interior of the heart, flow of blood through the heart, blood supply to heart, Conducting system of the heart,factors affecting heart rate, the Cardiac cycle, cardiac output, bloodpressure, control of blood pressure, pulse and factors affecting the pulserate. Circulation of the blood- pulmonary circulation, systemic circulationaorta(different parts of aorta & their blood supply, in brief). Summary ofthe main blood vessels (arteries & veins, explanation with flow diagramonly)

Module-4 Respiratory System 10 hours

Respiratory System:
Organs of respiration, Nose and Nasal cavityposition,structure and functions, pharynx - position, structure, functions.Larynx - position, structure and functions. Trachea, bronchi, bronchiolesand alveoli, lungs- position, associated structure, pleura and pleural cavity.Respiration - muscles of respiration, cycle of respiration, variables affectingrespiration, lung volumes and capacity
Digestive System:
Organs of the digestive system – mouth, tongue, teeth,salivary glands, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, gastric juice and functionsof stomach, small intestine-structure, chemical digestion in small intestine,large intestine - structure, functions of the large intestine. Pancreas andLiver.

Module-5 Skeletal System 10 hours

Skeletal System:
Bone, Types of bone, structure, bone cells, functions ofbone. Axial skeleton- skull, sinuses, Fontanelles, vertebral columncharacteristics of typical vertebra, different parts of vertebral column (partsonly), features of vertebral column, movements and functions of vertebralcolumn, sternum, ribs, shoulder girdle and upper limb, pelvic girdle andlower limb.
Muscles and Joints (Study of muscles along with joints):
Muscle tissue:Skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, Cardiac muscle, functions of muscletissue, muscle tone and fatigue. Types of joint- Fibrous, Cartilaginous,Synovial, characteristics of synovial joints, shoulder joint, elbow joint,radioulnar joint, wrist joint, Hip joint, Knee joint, ankle joint.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023