17ML32 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements syllabus for ML

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Measurements 10 hours

A).Measurements: introduction, Significance of measurements, methods of measurements, instruments and measurement systems, Functions of instruments and measurement systems, Applications of measurement systems.

Measurement Errors: Introduction Gross errors and systematic errors, Absolute and relative errors, basic concepts of accuracy, Precision, Resolution and Significant figures, Measurement error combinations. (relevant problems)

Module-2 Ammeters, Voltmeter and Multimeters 10 hours

A). Ammeters, Voltmeter and Multimeters:

Introduction, DC ammeter principle only, DC voltmeter, Multi-range voltmeter, Extending voltmeter ranges, Loading, Peak responding and True RMS voltmeters. (relevant problems)

B). Digital Voltmeters:

Introduction, Ramp type, Dual slope integrating type (V–T), integrating type (V–F) and Successive approximation type (relevant problems).

Digital Instruments: Introduction, Block diagram of a Basic Digital Multi-meter. Digital frequency meters: Basic circuit of a Digital frequency meter, Basic circuit for frequency measurement.

Module-3 Oscilloscopes 10 hours

A). Oscilloscopes : Introduction, Basic principles, CRT features, Block diagram and working of each block, Typical CRT connections, Dual beam and dual trace CROs, Electronic switch.

B).Special Oscilloscopes:

Delayed time-base oscilloscopes: Need for a time delay & delayed-time- base system.

Analog storage oscilloscopes: Need for trace storage, bistable storage CRT, Variable persistence storage CRT.

Digital storage oscilloscopes: Basic DSO operation only.

Module-4 Signal Generators 10 hours

A). Signal Generators : Introduction, Fixed and variable AF oscillator, Standard signal generator, Modern laboratory signal generator, AF sine and Square wave generator, Function generator, Square and Pulse generator.

B). Bridge Circuits for Measurement of R, L & C:

DC bridges: Introduction, Wheatstone‟s bridge, Kelvin Bridge

AC bridges: Capacitance Comparison Bridge, inductance Comparison Bridge, Maxwell‟s bridge, Schering Bridge. (relevant problems)

Module-5 Display Devices and Recorders 10 hours

Display Devices and Recorders:

Introduction, electrical indicating instruments, digital instruments, digital display methods, digital display unit. Segmental Displays: Seven segmental display, dot matrices, LED, LCD, decade counting assemblies, display systems. Recorders: Recording requirements, analog recorders- Graphic recorders, strip chart recorders & its types, X-Y recorder, Magnetic & Digital tape recorders.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023