18ML34 Digital Design and HDL syllabus for ML

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Principles of Combinational Logic 0 hours

Principles of Combinational Logic:

Definition of combinational logic, Canonical forms, Generation of switching equations from truth tables, Karnaugh maps- up to 4 variables, Quine-McCluskey Minimization Technique.Quine- McCluskey using Don’t Care Terms. (Text 1, Chapter 3).

Module-2 Logic Design with MSI Components and Programmable Logic Devices 0 hours

Logic Design with MSI Components and Programmable Logic Devices:

Binary Adders and Subtractors, Comparators, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs), Programmable Read only Memories (PROMS). (Text 2, Chapter 5)

Module-3 Flip-Flops 0 hours


Basic Bistable Elements, Latches, Timing Considerations, TheMaster-Slave Flip-flops (Pulse-Triggered flip-flops): SR flip-flops, JK flip-flops, Edge Triggered Flip-flops, Characteristic equations. (Text 2, Chapter 6)

Module-4 SimpleFlip-Flops Applications 0 hours

SimpleFlip-Flops Applications:

Registers, Binary Ripple Counters, Synchronous Binary Counters, Counters based on Shift Registers, Design of Synchronous mod-n Counter using clocked T , JK , D and SR flip-flops. (Text 2, Chapter 6)

Module-5 Introduction to Verilog 0 hours

Introduction to Verilog:

Structure of Verilog module, Operators, Data Types, Styles of Description- Data flow description, Behavioral description. Implementation of half adder and full adder using Verilog data flow description.


Verilog Behavioral description:

Structure, Variable Assignment Statement, Sequential Statements, Loop Statements, Verilog Behavioral Description of Multiplexers (2:1,4:1,8:1). (Text 3, Chapters:1, 2, 3)


Course Outcomes:

After studying this course, students will able to:

• Simplify Boolean functions using K-map and Quine-McCluskey minimization technique

• Analyze and design for combinational logic circuits.

• Analyze the concepts of Latches and Flip Flops. (SR, D, T and JK).

• Analyze and design the synchronous sequential circuits.

• Implement Combinational circuits (adders, subtractors, multiplexers) using Verilog descriptions.


Question Paper Pattern

• The question paper will have TEN questions.

• Each full question carry 20 marks

• There will be TWO full questions (with maximum of THREE sub questions) from each module.

• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.

• The students will have to answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each module.



1. Digital Logic Applications and Design by John M Yarbrough, Thomson Learning,2001

2. Digital Principles and Design by Donald D. Givone, McGraw Hill, 2002.

3. HDL Programming VHDL and Verilog by Nazeih M. Botros, 2009 reprint, Dreamtech press.


Reference Books:

1. Fundamentals of logic design, by Charles H Roth Jr., Cengage Learning

2. Digital Principles and Design – Donald D Givone,12threprint, TMH,2008

3. Logic Design, Sudhakar Samuel, Pearson/ Saguine, 2007

4. Fundamentals of HDL- Cyril P R Pearson/Sanguin 2010

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023