The Cell: the Basic Unit of Life - Molecular Components ofCells; Cell Metabolism; Cell Growth and Differentiation; Celldivision -Mitosis and meiosis. Cell to cell integration; Cell-cellinteraction : Malignant growth; Eukaryotic and prokaryoticcells, Plant and animal cells.Cytosketal elements, Microtubules: structure & functions,shaping of the cells and mechanical support. Microfilaments:structure & functions. Structure of intermediate filaments.Cytoplasmic microtrabecular system (lattice). Covalentmodifications of cytosketal proteins. Cytoskeletal architecture.Structure of cytoplasm, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosome,Golgi bodies, Lysosomes. Endoplasmic Reticulum,Peroxisomes, Chloroplast and Vacuoles. Cell locomotion(Amoeboid, Flagella, Cillar). RBC, WBC.
Biological membranes: Structure and conformationalproperties of cell membranes, Singer and Nicholson model,Membrane permeability, fluidity, micelle formation, reversemicelles, properties, passive transport and active transport,facilitated transport, energy requirement, mechanism of Na+ /K+, glucose and amino acid transport. Integral proteins inmembranes, conformational variations during ion transport,Organization of transport activity in cell. Action Potentials.Role of transport in signal transduction processes, molecularreception. Blood Brain Barrier.
Gene; Genetic Code; Replication; Transcription; translation;Expression of Genetic Information; Genetic Engineering -Recombinant DNA Technology.Catalytic strategies: Protease, Carbonic Anhydrases-.Restriction Enzymes, DNA-Cleavage Reactions- NucleosideMonophosphate Kinases: Catalyzing Phosphoryl GroupExchange between Nucleotides without Promoting Hydrolysis.
Immune system: The Cellular Basis of Immunity; Innateimmunity and adaptive immunity; The Fine Structure ofAntibodies and types; The Functions of Antibodies; Multi geneorganization of Ig gene; The Generation of Antibody Diversity,T Cell Receptors and Subclasses-MHC Molecules and AntigenPresentation to T Cells-Cytotoxic T Cells-Helper T Cells and TCell Activation-Selection of the T Cell Repertoire, CD4 cells.
Biomotors: Conversion of Chemical Energy into MechanicalWork by Protein Motors- Brief Description of ATP SynthaseStructure- The F1 Motor: A Power Stroke-A Pure Power Stroke-Coupling and Coordination of Motors - The Bacterial FlagellarMotor; kinesin and dynein linear motors.Biomachines: Heart as a pump, Kidney as a filtration Unit,Brain as a data storage device, Stomach as a digester.Biological Sensors in the human body.
Biomotors: Conversion of Chemical Energy into MechanicalWork by Protein Motors- Brief Description of ATP SynthaseStructure- The F1 Motor: A Power Stroke-A Pure Power Stroke-Coupling and Coordination of Motors - The Bacterial FlagellarMotor; kinesin and dynein linear motors.Biomachines: Heart as a pump, Kidney as a filtration Unit,Brain as a data storage device, Stomach as a digester.Biological Sensors in the human body.