15PC34 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis syllabus for PC

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 General Introduction To Spectroscopy 10 hours

General Introduction To Spectroscopy -
DefineSpectroscopy, Types of spectroscopy, Absorption spectrum,Emission spectra, Wave length and Wave number,Electromagnetic radiation, Visible spectrum, Stokes’sshift, Hypochromicity, transmittance.

Introduction, basic principles and instrumentation -
Infrared Spectroscopy, Flame Photometry, AtomicAbsorption Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry

Module-2 Radiochemical Techniques 10 hours

Radiochemical Techniques –
Define radioactivity, half lifeof radioactive element, radioactive isotopes, Inducedradioactivity, GM Counter, Gas ionization detector,Scintillation counter, Quenching, Radiodating, Radioactivetracer, Autoradiography, Radioimmuno assay.

Electrophoretic Methods –
Principle, Types – free solutionmethod and zone electrophoresis, Electrophoretic mobility,Factors affecting electrophoretic mobility.

Module-3 Polarography 10 hours

Principles of polarographic measurements,polarograms, Description and working of dropping mercuryelectrode. Current and concentrations relationship.Supporting electrolyte. Limiting current, half wavepotential. Factors affecting half wave potential. Migrationcurrent, Residual current and diffusion current. Modes ofoperation. Rapid scan polarography, differential pulsepolarography, sinusoidal a.c. polarography. Applications ofpolarography-Identification and determination ofconcentration of analyte.

Module-4 Introduction to Chromatography 10 hours

Introduction to Chromatography:
Classification - Theory- distribution coefficient, rate of travel, retention time,retention volume, adjusted retention volume, specificretention volume, column capacity, separation number, peakcapacity, shapes of chromatic peak, column efficiency,resolution, optimization of column performance,Chromatogram, Void volume.

Thin Layer Chromatography:
Stationary phase, mobilephase, sample application, development techniques –evaluation and documentation, advantages anddisadvantages of TLC.

Module-5 Gas Chromatography 10 hours

Gas Chromatography:
Principle, carrier gas, stationeryphase, instrumentation, sample injection, column detectors(TCD, FID, ECD), effect of temperature on retention,qualitative and quantitative analysis.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography:
Principle,instrumentation, column, sample injection, detectors(absorbance, refractive index, electrochemical), mobilephase selection, ion pair chromatography.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023