Origin of earth. Nature andproperties of minerals and rocks. Sedimentation andsedimentary environment. Stratigraphy and geological timescale. Introduction of plate tectonics.
Subsurface Environment – Formation fluids– Composition, temperature, pressure and dynamics. Traps andSeals. The Reservoir. Generation and Migration andDistribution.
Sedimentalogy of Petroleum bearing sequences - Sedimentarybasins. Generation and Migration of Petroleum. Physical andChemical properties of Petroleum.
Subsurface Environment – Formation fluids– Composition, temperature, pressure and dynamics. Traps andSeals. The Reservoir. Generation and Migration andDistribution.
Exploration Methods - Well drilling. Formation Evaluation.Geophysical. Borehole Seismic and 4D Seismic. Subsurfacegeology.
Non-conventional petroleum resources and reserve estimation.– Plastic and solid hydrocarbons. Tar sands. Oil and gasshales. Coal bed methane. Assessment of reserves.