10PHY22 Engineering Physics syllabus for Physics Cycle

Part A
Unit-1 Modern Physics 7 hours

Introduction to Blackbody radiation spectrum, Photo-electric effect, Comptoneffect. Wave particle Dualism. de Broglie hypothesis – de Brogliewavelength, extension to electron particle. – Davisson and GermerExperiment.Matter waves and their Characteristic properties. Phase velocity, groupvelocity and Particle velocity. Relation between phase velocity and groupvelocity. Relation between group velocity and particle velocity. Expressionfor deBroglie wavelength using group velocity.

Unit-2 Quantum Mechanics 6 hours

Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle and its physical significance. Applicationof uncertainity principle (Non-existence of electron in the nucleus,Explanation for β-decay and kinetic energy of electron in an atom). Wavefunction. Properties and Physical significance of a wave function. Probabilitydensity and Normalisation of wave function. Setting up of a one dimensional,time independent Schrödinger wave equation. Eigen values and Eigenfunctions. Application of Schrödinger wave equation – Energy Eigen valuesfor a free particle. Energy Eigen values of a particle in a potential well ofinfinite depth.

Unit-3 Electrical Conductivity in Metals 7 hours

Free-electron concept. Classical free-electron theory - Assumptions. Driftvelocity. Mean collision time and mean free path. Relaxation time.Expression for drift velocity. Expression for electrical conductivity in metals.Effect of impurity and temperature on electrical resistivity of metals. Failuresof classical free-electron theory.Quantum free-electron theory - Assumptions. Fermi - Dirac Statistics.Fermi-energy – Fermi factor. Density of states (No derivation). Expression forelectrical resistivity / conductivity. Temperature dependence of resistivity ofmetals. Merits of Quantum free – electron theory.

Unit-4 Dielectric & Magnetic Properties of Materials 7 hours

Dielectric constant and polarisation of dielectric materials. Types ofpolarisation. Equation for internal field in liquids and solids (onedimensional). Classius – Mussoti equation. Ferro and Piezo – electricity(qualitative). Frequency dependence of dielectric constant. Importantapplications of dielectric materials. Classification of dia, para and ferro-magnetic materials. Hysterisis in ferromagnetic materials. Soft and Hardmagnetic materials. Applications.

Part B
Unit-5 Lasers 6 hours

Principle and production. Einstein’s coefficients (expression for energydensity).Requisites of a Laser system. Condition for Laser action.Principle, Construction and working of He-Ne and semiconductor Laser.Applications of Laser – Laser welding, cutting and drilling. Measurement ofatmospheric pollutants.Holography – Principle of Recording andreconstruction of 3-D images. Selected applications of holography.

Unit-6 Optical Fibers & Superconductivity 7 hours

Propagation mechanism in optical fibers. Angle of acceptance. Numericalaperture. Types of optical fibers and modes of propagation. Attenuation.Applications – block diagram discussion of point to point communication.Temperature dependence of resistivity in superconducting materials. Effectof magnetic field (Meissner effect). Type I and Type II superconductors -Temperature dependence of critical field. BCS theory (qualitative). Hightemperaturesuperconductors.Applications of superconductors–Superconducting magnets, Maglev vehicles and squids

Unit-7 Crystal Structure 6 hours

Space lattice, Bravais lattice - unit cell, primitive cell. Lattice parameters.Crystal systems. Direction and planes in a crystal. Miller indices. Expressionfor inter-planar spacing. Co-ordination number. Atomic packing factor.Bragg’s Law. Determination of crystal structure by Bragg’s x-rayspectrometer. Crystal structures of NaCl, and diamond.

Unit-8 Material Science 6 hours

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Nanomaterials: Shapes ofnanomaterials, Methods of preparation of nanomaterials, Wonders ofnanotechnology: Discovery of Fullerene and carbon nanotubes, Applications.Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of materials. Measurements of velocity insolids and liquids, Elastic constants.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023