14CIP18 Constitution of India & Professional Ethics syllabus for Physics Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 5 hours

Introduction to the Constitution of India, The Making of the Constitutionand Sailent features of the Constitution.Preamble to the Indian Constitution Fundamental Rights & its limitations.

Module-2 5 hours

Directive Principles of State Policy & Relevance of Directive Principles StatePolicy Fundamental Duties.Union Executives – President, Prime Minister Parliament Supreme Court ofIndia.

Module-3 5 hours

State Executives – Governor Chief Minister, State Legislature High Courtof State. Electoral Process in India, Amendment Procedures, 42nd, 44th, 74th, 76th, 86th&91st Amendments.

Module-4 5 hours

Special Provision for SC & ST Special Provision for Women, Children &Backward Classes Emergency Provisions. Powers and functions of Municipalities, Panchyats and Co - OperativeSocieties.

Module-5 5 hours

Scope & Aims of Engineering Ethics, Responsibility of EngineersImpediments to Responsibility. Risks, Safety and liability of Engineers, Honesty, Integrity & Reliability inEngineering.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023