14CIV13 Elements of Civil Engg. & Engineering Mechanics syllabus for Physics Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to Civil Engineering &Engineering Mechanics 10 hours

Introduction to Civil Engineering,Scope of different fields of Civil Engineering - Surveying, Building Materials,Construction Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering,Hydraulics, Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, TransportationEngineering, Environmental Engineering.Infrastructure: Types of infrastructure, Role of Civil Engineer in theInfrastructural Development, Effect of the infrastructural facilities on socioeconomicdevelopment of a country.Roads: Classification of Roads and their functions, Comparison of Flexibleand Rigid Pavements (Advantages and Limitations)Bridges: Types of Bridges and Culverts, RCC, Steel and Composite BridgesDams: Different types of Dams based on Material, Structural behavior andfunctionality with simple sketches.Introduction to Engineering Mechanics :Basic idealizations - Particle, Continuum and Rigid body; Force and itscharacteristics, types of forces, Classification of force systems; Principle ofphysical independence of forces, Principle of superposition of forces, Principleof transmissibility of forces; Newton\'s laws of motion, Introduction to SI units.Couple, Moment of a couple, Characteristics of couple, Moment of a force,Equivalent force - Couple system; Numerical problems on moment of forcesand couples, on equivalent force - couple system

Module-2 Analysis of Force Systems- Concurrent & Non Concurrent System 10 hours

Concurrent Force System :Composition of forces - Definition of Resultant; Composition of coplanar -concurrent force system, Parallelogram Law of forces, Principle of resolved parts;Numerical problems on composition of coplanar concurrent force systems.Non Concurrent Force System :Composition of coplanar - non-concurrent force system, Varignon\'s principleof moments; Numerical problems on composition of coplanarnon-concurrentForce system.

Module-3 Equilibrium of Forces and Friction 10 hours

Equilibrium of Concurrent and Non-concurrent Forces :Equilibrium of forces - Definition of Equilibrant; Conditions of staticequilibrium for different force systems, Lami\'s theorem; Numerical problemson equilibrium of coplanar – concurrent and non-concurrent force systems.Support Reaction :Types of Loads and Supports, statically determinate beams, Numericalproblems on support reactions for statically determinate beams with Pointload (Normal and inclined) and uniformly distributed loads.Friction :Definitions: Types of friction, Laws of static friction, Limiting friction, Angleof friction, angle of repose; Impending motion on horizontal and inclinedplanes;Numerical Problems on single and two blocks on inclined planes. Numericalproblems on Ladder and Wedge friction.

Module-4 Centroid and Moment of Inertia of Engineering Sections Centroids 10 hours

Introduction to the concept, centroid of line and area, centroid of basicgeometrical figures, computing centroid for composite lines and Engineeringcomposite sections – T, L, I and Z & full quadrant Circular sections andtheir built up sections, Numerical problemsMoment of Inertia :Introduction to the concept, Radius of gyration, Parallel axis theorem,Perpendicular axis theorem, Moment of Inertia of basic planar figures,computing moment of Inertia for Engineering composite sections – T, L, Iand Z & full quadrant Circular sections and their built up sections, Numericalproblems

Module-5 Kinematics 10 hours

Definitions – Displacement – Average velocity – Instantaneous velocity –Speed – Acceleration - Average acceleration – Variable acceleration –Acceleration due to gravity – Newton’s Laws of Motion, Rectilinear Motion–Numerical problems.Curvilinear Motion – Super elevation – Projectile Motion – Relative motion– Numerical problems.Motion under gravity – Numerical problems.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023