14MAT11 Engineering Maths-I syllabus for Physics Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Differential Calculus - 1 10 hours

Determination of nth order derivatives of Standard functions - Problems.Leibnitz’s theorem (without proof) - problems.Polar Curves - angle between the radius vector and tangent, angle betweentwo curves, Pedal equation for polar curves. Derivative of arc length -Cartesian, Parametric and Polar forms (without proof) - problems. Curvatureand Radius of Curvature – Cartesian, Parametric, Polar and Pedal formsand problems.

Module-2 Differential Calculus - 2 10 hours

Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems for function of one variable(statementonly)- problems. Evaluation of Indeterminate forms.Partial derivatives – Definition and simple problems, Euler’s theorem –problems, total derivatives, partial differentiation of composite functions,Jacobians-definition and problems, extreme values of functions of twovariables.

Module-3 Vector Calculus 10 hours

Derivative of vector valued functions, Velocity, Acceleration and related problems, Scalar and Vector point functions, Gradient, Divergence, Curl,Solenoidal and Irrotational vector fields. Vector identities - div (fA), curl(fA), curl (grad f), div (curl A).Differentiation under integral sign using Leibnitz rule with constant andvariable limits.Curve Tracing - General rules to trace Cartesian, polar and parametriccurves.

Module-4 Integral Calculus 10 hours

Reduction formulae (m and n are positive integers),evaluation of these integrals with standard limits (0 to p/2) and problems.Differential Equations :Solution of first order and first degree differential equations – Exact,reducible to exact and Bernoulli’s differential equations.Applications – orthogonal trajectories, Newton’s law of cooling, flow ofelectricity, laws of decay and growth.

Module-5 Linear Algebra 10 hours

Rank of a matrix by elementary transformations, solution of system of linearequations - Gauss-elimination method, Gauss-Seidel method and L-Udecomposition method.Linear transformation, diagonalisation of a square matrix, Quadratic forms,reduction to Canonical form by orthogonal transformation, Rayleigh’s powermethod to find the largest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023