14PHY12 Engineering Physics syllabus for Physics Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics 10 hours

Black body radiation spectrum, Assumptions of quantum theory of radiation,Plank’s law, Weins law and Rayleigh Jeans law, for shorter and longerwavelength limits.Wave Particle dualism, deBroglie hypothesis. Compton Effectand its Physical significance. Matter waves and their Characteristic properties,Phase velocity and group velocity. Relation between phase velocity and groupvelocity, Relation between group velocity and particle velocity.Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its application, (Non-existence ofelectron in nucleus).Wave function, Properties and physical significance ofwave function, Probability density and Normalization of wave function.Setting up of one dimensional time independent Schrodinger wave equation.Eigen values and Eigen functions. Application of Schrodinger wave equation.Energy Eigen values and Eigen functions for a particle in a potential well ofinfinite depth and for free particle.

Module-2 Electrical Properties of Materials 10 hours

Free–electron concept (Drift velocity, Thermal velocity, Mean collision time,Mean free path, relaxation time). Failure of classical free electron theory.Quantum free electron theory, Assumptions, Fermi factor, density of states(qualitative only), Fermi–Dirac Statistics. Expression for electricalconductivity based on quantum free electron theory, Merits of quantum freeelectron theory.Conductivity of Semi conducting materials, Concentration of electrons andholes in intrinsic semiconductors, law of mass action. Fermi level in anintrinsic Semiconductor. Hall effect, Hall coefficientTemperature dependence of resistivity in metals and superconductingmaterials. Effect of magnetic field (Meissner effect). Type-I and Type-IIsuperconductors–Temperature dependence of critical field. BCS theory(qualitative). High temperature superconductors. Applications ofsuperconductors –. Maglev vehicles.

Module-3 Lasers and Optical Fibers 10 hours

Einstein’s coefficients (expression for energy density). Requisites of a Lasersystem. Condition for laser action. Principle, Construction and working ofCO2 laser and semiconductor Laser. Applications of Laser – Laser welding,cutting and drilling. Measurement of atmospheric pollutants. Holography–Principle of Recording and reconstruction of images, applications ofholography.Propagation mechanism in optical fibers. Angle of acceptance. Numericalaperture. Types of optical fibers and modes of propagation. Attenuation,Block diagram discussion of point to point communication, applications.

Module-4 Crystal Structure 10 hours

Space lattice, Bravais lattice–Unit cell, primitive cell. Lattice parameters.Crystal systems. Direction and planes in a crystal. Miller indices. Expressionfor inter – planar spacing. Co-ordination number. Atomic packing factors(SC,FCC, BCC). Bragg’s law, Determination of crystal structure using Bragg’sX–ray difractometer. Polymarphism and Allotropy. Crystal Structure ofDiamond, qualitative discussion of Pervoskites. Principle and working ofLiquid Crystal display.

Module-5 Shock waves and Science of Nano Materials 10 hours

Definition of Mach number, distinctions between- acoustic, ultrasonic,subsonic and supersonic waves. Description of a shock wave and itsapplications. Basics of conservation of mass, momentum and energy -derivation of normal shock relationships using simple basic conservation equations (Rankine-Hugonit equations). Methods of creating shock wavesin the laboratory using a shock tube, description of hand operated Reddyshock tube and its characteristics. Experimental analysis of the performancecharacteristics of Reddy shock tube.Introduction to Nano Science, Density of states in 1D, 2D and 3D structures.Synthesis : Top–down and Bottom–up approach, Ball Milling and Sol–Gelmethods.CNT – Properties, synthesis: Arc discharge, Pyrolysis methods, Applications.Scanning Electron microscope: Principle, working and applications.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023