14PHYL17 Engg. Physics Lab syllabus for Physics Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 0 hours

Reddy Shock Tube and its calibration.

Module-2 0 hours

Series and parallel LCR Circuits (Determination of resonant frequencyand quality factor)

Module-3 0 hours

I–V Characteristics of Zener Diode. (determination of knee voltage, zenervoltage and forward resistance)

Module-4 0 hours

Characteristics of Transistor (Study of Input and Output characteristicsand calculation of input resistance, output resistance and amplificationfactor)

Module-5 0 hours

Photo Diode Characteristics (Study of I–V characteristics in reverse biasand variation of photocurrent as a function of reverse voltage andintensity).

Module-6 0 hours

Dielectric constant (Measurement of dielectric constant).

Module-7 0 hours

Diffraction (Measurement of wavelength of laser source using diffractiongrating).

Module-8 0 hours

Torsional pendulum (Determination of M.I. of wire and Rigiditymodulus).

Module-9 0 hours

Determination of Fermi energy. (Measurement of Fermi energy in copper).

Module-10 0 hours

Uniform Bending Experiment (Determination of Youngs modulus ofmaterial bar).

Module-11 0 hours

Newtons Rings, (Determination of radius of curvature of plano convexlens).

Module-12 0 hours

Verification of Stefan’s Law.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023