10EC753 Artificial Neural Network syllabus for TE

Part A
Unit-1 Introduction 6 hours

Introduction, history, structure and function of single neuron, neural net architectures, neural learning, use of neural networks.

Unit-2 Supervised learning 7 hours

Supervised learning, single layer networks, perceptions, linear separability, perceptions training algorithm, guarantees of success, modifications.

Unit-3 Multiclass networks-I 7 hours

Multiclass networks-I, multilevel discrimination, preliminaries, back propagation, setting parameter values, theoretical results.

Unit-4 Accelerating learning process 6 hours

Accelerating learning process, application, mandaline, adaptive multilayer networks.

Part B
Unit-5 Prediction networks 6 hours

Prediction networks, radial basis functions, polynomial networks, regularization, unsupervised learning, winner take all networks.

Unit-6 Learning vector quantizing 7 hours

Learning vector quantizing, counter propagation networks, adaptive resonance theorem, toplogically organized networks, distance based learning, neo-cognition.

Unit-7 Associative models 6 hours

Associative models, hop field networks, brain state networks, Boltzmann machines, hetero associations.

Unit-8 Optimization using hop filed networks 7 hours

Optimization using hop filed networks, simulated annealing, random search, evolutionary computation.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023