15EC551 Nanoelectronics syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Introduction: Overview of nanoscience and engineering. Development milestones inmicrofabrication and electronic industry. Moore’s law and continued miniaturization,Classification of Nanostructures, Electronic properties of atoms and solids: Isolatedatom, Bonding between atoms, Giant molecular solids, Free electron models andenergy bands, crystalline solids, Periodicity of crystal lattices, Electronic conduction,effects of nanometerlength scale, Fabrication methods: Top down processes, Bottomup processes methods for templating the growth of nanomaterials, ordering ofnanosystems (Text 1).

Module-2 8 hours

Characterization: Classification, Microscopic techniques, Field ion microscopy,scanning probe techniques, diffraction techniques: bulk and surface diffractiontechniques (Text 1).
Inorganic semiconductor nanostructures: overview of semiconductor physics.Quantum confinement in semiconductor nanostructures: quantum wells, quantumwires, quantum dots, super-lattices, band offsets, electronic density of states (Text 1).

Module-3 8 hours

Fabrication techniques: requirements of ideal semiconductor, epitaxial growth ofquantum wells, lithography and etching, cleaved-edge over growth, growth of vicinalsubstrates, strain induced dots and wires, electrostatically induced dots and wires,Quantum well width fluctuations, thermally annealed quantum wells, semiconductornanocrystals, collidal quantum dots, self-assembly techniques. (Text 1).
Physical processes: modulation doping, quantum hall effect, resonant tunneling,charging effects, ballistic carrier transport, Inter band absorption, intrabandabsorption, Light emission processes, phonon bottleneck, quantum confined starkeffect, nonlinear effects, coherence and dephasing, characterization of semiconductornanostructures: optical electrical and structural (Text 1).

Module-4 8 hours

Carbon Nanostructures: Carbon molecules, Carbon Clusters, Carbon Nanotubes,application of Carbon Nanotubes. (Text 2)

Module-5 8 hours

Nanosensors: Introduction, What is Sensor and Nanosensors?, What makes themPossible?, Order From Chaos, Characterization, Perception, Nanosensors Based OnQuantum Size Effects, Electrochemical Sensors, Sensors Based On PhysicalProperties, Nanobiosensors, Smartdust-Sensor for the future. (Text 3)
Applications: Injection lasers, quantum cascade lasers, single-photon sources,biological tagging, optical memories, coulomb blockade devices, photonic structures,QWIP’s, NEMS, MEMS (Text 1).

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023