15EC554 Electrical Engineering Materials syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Band Theory of Solids: Introduction to free electron theory, Kroning-Penney Model,Explanation for Discontinuities in E vs. K curve, Formation of Solid Material, Formationof Band in Metals, Formation of Bands in Semiconductors and Insulating Materials,Classification of Materials on the Basis of Band Structure, Explanation for differences inthe Electrical properties of different Materials. Important Characteristics of a BandElectron, Number of energy states per band, Explanation for Insulating and MetallicBehavior of Materials, Concept of Hole.

Module-2 8 hours

Magnetic Properties of Materials: Introduction, Origin of Magnetism, Basic Terms inMagnetism, Relation between Magnetic Permeability and Susceptibility, Classification ofmagnetic Materials, Characteristics of Diamagnetic Materials, Paramagnetic Materials,Ferromagnetic Materials, Ferrimagnetic Materials, Langevin’s Theory of Diamagnetism,Explanation of Dia, Para and Ferromagnetism, Ampere’s Lam in Dia, Para andFerromagnetism, Hystersis and Hystersis loss, Langevin’s Theory of paramagnetism,Modification in the Langevin’s Theory, Anti-Ferromagnetism and Neel Temperature,Ferrimagnetic Materials, Properties of some important Magnetic Materials,Magentostriction and Magnetostrictive Materials, Hard and Soft Ferromagnetic Materialsand their Applications.

Module-3 8 hours

Behavior of Dielectric Materials in AC and DC Fields: Introduction, Classification ofDielectric Materials at Microscopic level, Polar Dielectric Materials, Non-polar DielectricMaterials, Kinds of Polarizations, behavior of dielectric materials, Three electric Vectors,Gauss’s Law in a Dielectric, Electric Susceptibility and Static Dielectric constant, Effectof Dielectric medium upon capacitance, macroscopic electric field, Microscopic Electricfield, temperature dependence of dielectric constant, polar dielectric in ac and dc fields,behavior of polar dielectric at high frequencies, Dielectric loss, Dielectric strength andDielectric Breakdown, Various kinds of Dielectric Materials, Hysteresis in FerroelectricMaterials, Applications of Ferroelectric Materials in Devices.

Module-4 8 hours

Conductivity of Metals and Superconductivity: Introduction, Ohm’s law, Explanationfor the dependence of electrical resistivity upon temperature, Free-electron theory ofmetals, Application of Lorentz-Drude free-electron theory, Effect of various parameterson Electrical Conductivity, Resistivity Ratio, Variation of resistivity of alloys withtemperature, Thermal Conductivity of Materials, Heat produced in Current CarryingConductor, Thermoelectric Effect, Thermoelectric Series, Seebeck’s Experiment.

Discovery of superconductivity, superconductivity and transition temperature,superconducting materials, explanation of superconductivity phenomenon,characteristics of superconductors, change in thermodynamic parameters insuperconducting state, frequency dependence of superconductivity, current status ofhigh temperature superconductors, practical applications of superconductors.

Module-5 8 hours

Electrical Conducting and Insulating materials: Introduction, Classification ofconducting materials, difference in properties of Hard-Drawn and Annealed copper,standard conductors, comparison between some popular Low-Resistivity Materials, Low-Resistivity Copper Alloys, Electrical contact materials and their selection, classification ofcontact materials, Materials for Lamp Filaments, Preparation of Tungsten Filaments.

Insulating gases, Liquids and solids and their characteristics, Selection of the insulatingmaterial, other important properties of Insulating materials, Thermal characteristics ,chemical properties of Insulating materials, classification of Insulating materials on thebasis of structure.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023