15EC752 IoT and Wireless Sensor Networks syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Overview of Internet of Things 8 hours

Overview of Internet of Things: IoT Conceptual Framework, IoT Architectural View, Technology Behind IoT, Sources of IoT,M2M communication, Examples of IoT. Modified OSI Model for the IoT/M2M Systems, data enrichment, data consolidation and device management at IoT/M2M Gateway, web communication protocols used by connected IoT/M2M devices, Message communication protocols (CoAP-SMS, CoAP-MQ, MQTT,XMPP) for IoT/M2M devices.

Module-2 Architecture and Design Principles for IoT 8 hours

Architecture and Design Principles for IoT: Internet connectivity, Internet-based communication,IPv4, IPv6,6LoWPAN protocol, IP Addressing in the IoT, Application layer protocols: HTTP, HTTPS,FTP,TELNET and ports.


Data Collection, Storage and Computing using a Cloud Platform: Introduction, Cloud computing paradigm for data collection, storage and computing, Cloud service models, IoT Cloud- based data collection, storage and computing services using Nimbits.

Module-3 Prototyping and Designing Software for IoT Applications 8 hours

Prototyping and Designing Software for IoT Applications: Introduction, Prototyping Embedded device software, Programming Embedded Device Arduino Platform using IDE, Reading data from sensors and devices, Devices, Gateways, Internet and Web/Cloud services software development.


Programming MQTT clients and MQTT server. Introduction to IoT privacy and security. Vulnerabilities, security requirements and threat analysis, IoT Security Tomography and layered attacker model.

Module-4 Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks 8 hours

Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks, Enabling Technologies for Wireless Sensor Networks.


Architectures: Single-Node Architecture - Hardware Components, Energy Consumption of Sensor Nodes, Operating Systems and Execution Environments, Network Architecture-Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit, Design principles for WSNs, Service interfaces of WSNs Gateway Concepts.

Module-5 Communication Protocols 8 hours

Communication Protocols: Physical Layer and Transceiver Design Considerations, MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, Low Duty Cycle Protocols And Wakeup Concepts - S-MAC , The Mediation Device Protocol, Wakeup Radio Concepts, Contention based protocols(CSMA,PAMAS), Schedule based protocols (LEACH, SMACS, TRAMA) Address and Name Management in WSNs, Assignment of MAC Addresses, Routing Protocols- Energy-Efficient Routing, Geographic Routing, Hierarchical networks by clustering.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023